Prescient News

The latest news and press releases from Prescient Digital Media, a leading provider of intranet consulting and digital workplace planning.

Intranet 2.0 tools explode; social intranet still rare

TORONTO, Sept. 24 /CNW/ - Social media tools (intranet 2.0 tools) are exploding in popularity according to the 2010 Intranet 2.0 Global Study conducted by Prescient Digital Media. The study has found that 87% of organizations have at least one social media tool on the intranet. Blogs are the most popular tool, present on 53% of intranets of all sizes, but only deployed enterprise wide (available to all employees to read or write) on 18% of intranets.

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Prescient Webinars Prove to be a Success

After four sessions, Prescient Digital Media’s 2009 webinar series has proven to be a success, with an audience in the hundreds and positive feedback from participants. The series—which is designed to provide actionable knowledge in key areas of intranet and internet success—is gaining momentum and promises even greater participation for future sessions.

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Most organizations have at least one social media tool on their intranet, with blogs being the most popular Intranet 2.0 tool

SAN FRANCISCO – 14 December 2011 – Social media tools are now present on most corporate intranets with 61% of companies reporting at least one social media tool available to some or all employees. The most popular Intranet 2.0 tools are blogs (75%), discussion forums (65%), instant messaging (63%), and wikis (61%) while social networking for employees and microblogging are on the rise at 43% and 42% respectively. These are the results of a new Social Intranet Study, released by the International Association of Business Communicators (IABC) and Prescient Digital Media.

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