Intranet Articles
Learn more about intranet strategy, planning and best practices with the latest articles from Prescient's intranet consultants.
7 Traits of a Winning Intranet
Truly great intranets are like snow leopards; very rare, mysterious, and beautiful.
A Peak at the Very Best Intranets
Some of the Intranet Case Studies at the 2019 Digital Workplace & Intranet Global Forum
Bigger intranets are not always better
by Toby Ward - Most intranets are awful; they're chronically underfunded, mired in politics, lack any meaningful governance, and use poorly implemented technology.
Building An Intranet News Team
Intranet news is one part people, one part process, one part technology.
The New Social Intranet
The social intranet is nothing new, but advances in social computing, and a supporting cultural shift, has advanced the social intranet beyond the tired suspicion of being merely a fad.
Dissecting Intranet Designs
A detailed look at some of the best intranet designs and dissecting some of the best and worst design elements.
Does Your Intranet Measure-Up?
by Carmine Porco — Your competition is doing a better job of communicating, and consequently, they are extracting more value and productivity from their employees. Their secret: a highly successful intranet that supports the entire business.
Employee intranet blogs wanted
By Toby Ward - If a tree falls in the forest will anyone blog about it? Do blogs beget blog postings? As too many organizations are discovering the hard way, employees don't want to blog. Approximately 1-2% of employees are interested in blogging (today), but most don't have any desire to pick up the proverbial pen.
Employee social networking − Sabre Town case study
By Toby Ward − Once the domain of the Internet, social networking has virally spread to the intranet with impressive results for Sabre.
Five Common Portal Problems and their Solutions
By Michael Marchionda - The benefits of an enterprise portal are well documented. If portals continually prove to increase employee and business productivity, as well as improve communications, collaboration, and knowledge management, then why do so many portal redevelopment projects fail?
How long is a piece of string?
Creating a Measurable Internet Strategy. How long is a piece of string? How deep is half a hole? These philosophical riddles leap to mind when approaching the subject of a measurable Internet strategy. As with the two aforementioned riddles, I have seen numerous clients struggle to find the answers when defining success for their web endeavors. Organizations typically have not defined what success looks like and have no measurable goals or key performance indicators (KPI’s) in place.
IBM’s new intranet represents change in intranet design
Intranet design is pretty stale; and most intranets tend to look alike. Intranet design isn’t the most imaginative business, but occasionally an innovator steps forth….
Innovate or die
If you're not innovating, you're dying. Death may be slow, and take a few years, but it will come.
Intranet 2.0 Global Study 2010: Highlights
by Michael Marchionda - This year’s Intranet 2.0 Study comprises feedback collected from hundreds of survey-takers around the world who were asked specific questions about their organizations’ intranet. The feedback provided Prescient with valuable information on global intranet trends including intranet adoption rates, the prevalence and types of Intranet 2.0 tools organizations are using, and employee satisfaction rates with these tools.
Intranet 2.0: Social media adoption
by Toby Ward - The new, emerging workforce expects their organization to match the pace of technology and deploy social media tools.
Intranet 2.0: The investment vs satisfaction corollary
Like anything, you get what you pay for. However, that doesn't mean a social media or Intranet 2.0 solution can't be an inexpensive solution, but it does require proper planning & governance, and usually some customization.
Intranet 2.0 tools explode; social intranet still rare
By Toby Ward - Social media tools (intranet 2.0 tools) are exploding in popularity: the Intranet 2.0 Global Study has found that 87% of organizations have at least one social media tool on the intranet. The most popular tool: blogs (present on 53% of intranets of all sizes). However, blogs have only been deployed enterprise wide (available to all employees to read or write) on 18% of intranets. Most of the time, like most social media tools, the blogs are relegated to some corner of the intranet, a division or team site, or the IT department.
Intranet blogs hit critical mass
Most employees don’t like to blog, but they like to read them.
Intranet Content Management in a Social World
By Toby Ward, Founder, Prescient Digital Media To ensure great content on the intranet, your organization must work from a plan. An effective Content Management Plan is an essential component in supporting strong intranet search, information architecture and effective, timely, and relevant content for employees.
Intranet information architecture: don’t reinvent the wheel
By Toby Ward The ultimate goal of the intranet manager, architect is to create an ‘intuitive’ IA with navigation paths that are intuitive or easily understood at a glance.
Intranet planning
Planning is critical for any intranet – without a thorough plan, the intranet is dead before it gets a chance at life.
Intranet planning: An intranet model for success
by Toby Ward - The process of planning an intranet, and the role of executive management and end users in developing the plan, determines the potential success of an intranet.
Intranet predictions for 2010
By Toby Ward - 1. SharePoint will continue to dominate - All hail the king, SharePoint. SharePoint has become the single biggest, most pervasive intranet platform of all time (present in 50 – 60% of all medium to large-size organizations). While SharePoint is still minimally used for department and team level document sharing and collaboration, more organizations are looking to use it as the enterprise intranet platform.
Intranet Radio at IBM
The technology titan turns to an old technology to engage employees.
Intranet strategy - planning a successful intranet
By Toby Ward — I once asked an intranet manager if they had a defined intranet strategy. His response was to say “sort of... it's mostly up here” (pointing to his noggin). Ummm... no, they didn't have a strategy. Unfortunately, most organizations are not disimilar and do not have an intranet strategy.