Intranet Design

Prescient’s design goal for our clients is to create a strong, dynamic, visual identity while reflecting the company brand and style guidelines.

Prescient’s design approach is strategically driven, recognizing that design should help to achieve the measurable goals defined for the intranet or website. Design must facilitate the usability of the site and aid in guiding users to where they need to go while also adding appeal and assisting with engagement.

While employees don't visit and use the intranet for design, an engaging design will keep them coming back; poor design will drive them away. Our business-driven design approach is strategically driven, recognizing that design should help to achieve the measurable goals defined for the intranet. Design must facilitate the usability of the site and aid in guiding users to where they need to go while also adding appeal and assisting with engagement.

Prescient builds intranet  information architectures, the key foundation for effective design, by reviewing key findings and strategic plans, conducting card sorts, and relying on experience and best practices for usability. Intranet wireframes, or page layouts, are then developed to show positioning of elements on the page. At this stage some usability testing can be conducted to test the intuitiveness of the navigation. Then design is applied to the approved wireframes based on brand guidelines in order to facilitate achievement of intranet goals.

Strategic Design includes:

  • Review of Key Findings and Strategic Plan
  • Persona development
  • Information Architecture  development
  • Card sorting workshop
  • Wireframe development
  • Usability testing
  • Design Concepts
  • Design Guidelines

Prescient can deliver design concepts as well as cascading style sheets. In addition, Prescient can provide design guidelines so that the design can be maintained.

Prescient has more than 100 intranet clients, including dozens of Fortune 500 and household brand name clients. Find out more about us or contact us directly for more information on how we can help you.

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