Strategic Design
Learn about the best strategies for achieving effective designs for your website or Intranet.
Branding the Intranet
By Adam Wasserman – Naming your intranet gives it a personality and broader appeal.
Design I: Making your site pretty can get ugly
It is the first thing people think to change; the first thing people notice; the first thing people complain about; and it is the last thing that should be changed - website design.
Focusing on your website user by developing personas
Is your website organized and designed for your audiences to achieve the results that they want and you need?
Information Architecture – The Science of Site Layout
Can't find what you need? This is a classic symptom of a faulty intranet information architecture. Fixing this problem varies from organization to organization, but always involves using simple vocabulary, showing the "big picture", being clear, and picking the right design for your information architecture. The end result is better navigation and usability, and a significant improvement in how quickly users can access the information they need.
Intranet Design
by Toby Ward - No one said it was going to be easy. The intranet is not a website.
Website design lessons from the best
By Toby Ward - The top 20 most popular websites on the planet are all portals, search engines, and social media sites: Google is #1, followed by Facebook and YouTube (source: Scattered conspicuously amongst the top 100 websites are a few, rare corporate websites: