Prescient Digital Media Launches Web 2.0 Blueprint

New offering helps clients leverage Web 2.0 to engage external stakeholders

Toronto, ON (June 6, 2008) – Prescient Digital Media, a leading provider of intranet and Internet consulting, today launched Web 2.0 Blueprint, a new service offering designed to help clients leverage Web 2.0 tools to engage customers and external stakeholders.

This new offering is based on Prescient’s early adopter knowledge of Web 2.0, its technology-neutral approach to defining business requirements and its proven methodology for aligning online communications and collaboration needs with organizational goals.

While the specific scope of each project will vary based on the client’s unique requirements and budget, common deliverables in Prescient’s Web 2.0 Blueprint include:

  • Business requirements analysis
  • Web 2.0 plan
  • Web 2.0 content plan and policies
  • Web 2.0 implementation

Web 2.0 represents an emerging opportunity for improving all aspects of online performance through cost-effective tools such as blogs, discussion forums, podcasts, social networking and RSS feeds, among others. However, organizations can only affect a new dynamic dialogue with customers and stakeholders if they have a clear understanding for how to deploy this technology to meet their unique requirements.

“Many organizations know that they must adopt Web 2.0 tools, but they don’t have a good understanding of how to acquire and implement the best fit solutions for their needs rapidly and within a defined budget,” said Toby Ward, president and CEO of Prescient Digital Media. “Our new Web 2.0 Blueprint helps our clients navigate the sea of solutions out there and enables them to create successful strategies and quickly adopt Web 2.0 tools that deliver measurable results.”

For more information on Prescient’s new Web 2.0 Blueprint, please visit us at

About Prescient Digital Media

Prescient provides an end-to-end solution to assess, plan, design and deliver world-class intranets and websites. We plan and design highly effective websites and intranets that:

  • are demonstrably better than the competition;

  • meet the needs of users and executives; and

  • deliver measurable value by increasing sales and employee productivity.

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