Intranet Global Forum – The Leading Gathering Place for Intranet Professionals on Facebook

Group provides an online network for knowledge sharing and collaboration between intranet professionals

Toronto, ON (June 6, 2008) – Prescient Digital Media, a leading provider of intranet and Internet consulting, announced that the Intranet Global Forum has become the leading gathering place for intranet professionals on Facebook. Created in September 2007 by Prescient’s founder, Toby Ward, to facilitate networking and knowledge sharing among intranet professionals, it has quickly grown to become the largest intranet group on Facebook.

The Intranet Global Forum has close to 250 members and is a popular place to share ideas, case studies, videos, and screen grabs, as well as discuss best practices and issues regarding intranets in organizations around the world. It has also become a great place for communications professionals to network, build relationships and help each other succeed.

Prescient’s Intranet Global Forum group is open to anyone with an interest in intranets and communications. Please visit the Intranet Global Forum on Facebook for more information.

About Prescient Digital Media
Prescient provides an end-to-end solution to assess, plan, design and deliver world-class intranets and websites. We plan and design highly effective websites and intranets that:

  • are demonstrably better than the competition;

  • meet the needs of users and executives; and

  • deliver measurable value by increasing sales and employee productivity.

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