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Intranet Global Forum – The Leading Gathering Place for Intranet Professionals on Facebook
Group provides an online network for knowledge sharing and collaboration between intranet professionals
Prescient Digital Media Launches Intranet 2.0 Blueprint
New offering helps clients create a successful Intranet 2.0 strategy to enhance employee communication and collaboration
Prescient Records 8000th Download of "Finding ROI: Measuring Intranet Investments"
Prescient Releases Good to Great Intranet Matrix Outlining Critical Factors for Intranet Success
Prescient in the Media
Prescient executives are recognized knowledge leaders in the field and are often called on to share their knowledge on issues related to Internet and intranet planning, strategy and communications.
Enterprise Portal Blueprint © 2020
Intranet 2.0 Blueprint
Intranet Evaluation
Prescient's Approach to Intranets
Prescient has a five-phased approach or methodology that our intranet consultants use to creating highly effective intranets. The first two phases are Assessment and Planning.
The SharePoint Plan
Intranet Blueprint
The Intranet Blueprint © 2013 is an all encompassing plan for assessing, planning and implementing a successful intranet. Our model for success, the Nexus of Intranet Success, is one that has been built over many years on the strength of dozens of projects.
Nexus of Intranet Success
SharePoint 2013 Intranet
SharePoint is complex and simple, expensive and cheap, and robust and limited. It's many things to many organizations, and still unfulfilling to others. While it is a complex technology platform, it is first and foremost a web development platform. In other words, it is what you make of it, but it can require a lot of time and money, and it does require a lot of planning.
Our Expertise Backup
Prescient Digital Media is a group of senior Internet and intranet consultants with broad experience and expertise in creating highly effective websites and intranets that deliver measured success to our clients.
Your Issues Backup
Come in, sit down and tell us what your issues, problems, barriers and challenges are as they relate to intranets, websites and social media.
Does Your Intranet Measure-Up?
by Carmine Porco — Your competition is doing a better job of communicating, and consequently, they are extracting more value and productivity from their employees. Their secret: a highly successful intranet that supports the entire business.
Intranet strategy - planning a successful intranet
By Toby Ward — I once asked an intranet manager if they had a defined intranet strategy. His response was to say “sort of... it's mostly up here” (pointing to his noggin). Ummm... no, they didn't have a strategy. Unfortunately, most organizations are not disimilar and do not have an intranet strategy.
Prioritizing the Intranet's Evolution
by Carmine Porco — From deciding on a family outing to crafting the company strategy, prioritizing intranet projects can be daunting.
Best Practices: Five Winning Intranet Characteristics
by Toby Ward — Prescient Principal Consultant Toby Ward looks at five winning characteristics of proven and successful intranets from the likes of Cisco, Microsoft, E*TRADE, and others.
Business Requirements Interviews – So much more than a conversation
When kicking off any kind of project, be it implementing an intranet or revamping a business process, the most important stage of the entire project cycle is the business requirements stage. And one of the most productive and useful research methods is the business requirements interview.
They won’t go changin’ just to please you: Change management strategies to support intranet adoption
Imagine you’re a typical employee, just trying to figure out how you’re going to do what you need to do with the tools you’re used to using, when management comes up with yet another “new” and “revolutionary”innovation” or “transformational” tool or idea.
Evaluating and Benchmarking – how does your site measure up?
Think of your favourite website. Now think of six reasons it is your favourite. Now think of your own website, assuming it’s not your favourite, and ask yourself how it ranks within the six criteria you chose.
Hallelujah! The gospel of Six Sigma reaches the intranet world!
Given the fervour of its apostles, you have probably heard of the term “Six Sigma” and its incredible power to literally transform organizations. Six Sigma conferences more closely resemble evangelical events than business meetings and to hear people talk about the ROI on Six Sigma you would think that they were talking about a new religion.
Managing positive intranet change: Watch out for the J Curve
Have you ever noticed that despite how ineffective and poorly structured your intranet may be, and no matter how hard it is to find information on it, people will have developed workarounds and tricks to find what they need.
People: The Heart of Your Portal
by Toby Ward — Don’t fall into the trap of relying on out-of-the-box solutions for solving all of your problems. Successful portals have a foundation built on people, not technology. Portals must be based on employees and the work they undertake during an average workday. If a portal could be likened to a house, then technology is equivalent to the wiring and appliances while people serve as both the foundation and the inhabitants.