The Intranet Plan

The Intranet Plan © 2013 -2018 is the all encompassing intranet design and digital workplace blueprint for building or redesigning an intranet, enterprise portal, or planning the entire digital workplace. Using our unique intranet methodology, our intranet consultants construct a complete intranet plan that encompasses all the details including information architecture, governance and design.

Prescient's Methodology

Prescient's unique intranet planning methodology

The intranet plan includes all activities and planning to begin constructing and implementing an intranet or intranet portal solution including both assessment or evaluation activities (sometimes referred to as 'discovery') as well as all of the planning activities ranging from the high-level strategic plans, to the detailed tactical requisites such as the site wireframes and information architecture.

Intranet Plan encompasses the first two distinct phases of our proprietary intranet project methodology: Assessment and Planning.


Assessment serves two important functions: it documents the needs and requirements of the user population and those of the business and its stakeholders while aligning project goals with corporate goals and objectives. This phase includes:

  • a heuristic intranet evaluation (gap analysis)
  • business requirements analysis (stakeholder interviews, etc.)
  • user requirements analysis (user research, surveys, focus groups, etc.)
  • technical infrastructure analysis
  • benchmarking and best practices


Planning incorporates both the strategic vision and the functional plan and maps out the strategic and tactical steps for designing the site or portal including:

  • the high-level vision and mission
  • goals and objectives
  • governance
  • critical success indicators (KPIs)
  • business case and ROI
  • content management plan & policies
  • digital workplace blueprint and roadmap

As well, detailed tactical plans and the intranet user experience are drafted, including:
  • the functional plan
  • information architecture
  • site wireframes
  • design concepts
  • usability testing

Prescient Digital Media does not use a proprietary technology for building or constructing client intranet sites or intranet portals. We are ‘technology neutral’ which means that we will work with you to identify the appropriate technology solution based on your business requirements, and not "who we know" or based on reselling agreements and commissions. However, most of our clients use Microsoft SharePoint, as do we (Office 365), for our own intranet and digital workplace platform.

In identifying the best solution for your organization we manage all aspects of the vendor process including the evaluation and selection of the vendor, negotiate technology licenses and fees, project manage the implementation, and even manage and execute ongoing site operations including custom content development and translation services.

The Plan

The output of these phases constitutes the Intranet Plan for guiding the implementation of the intranet or portal and the underlying governance and technology foundation. The Intranet Plan contains the map and blueprint for implementing a new intranet or enterprise portal.

Finally, the Intranet Plan serves as the basis for evolving your site, establishing baseline targets (e.g. user satisfaction, ROI, etc.) for measuring its ongoing and future performance, and achieving its potential and value. 

Prescient’s world-class intranet team

Prescient’s experience and knowledge of intranets and portals is unsurpassed by any firm in its class. Our clients include AMC, BDO, Harvard Business, HSBC, Mastercard, Pepsi, Royal Bank (RBC), WestJet and hundreds of others.

    • We are the only known technology consulting firm on the planet that promises to build success measures (critical success indicators) into each and every project.
    • Prescient boasts a full roster of satisfied, world class, Fortune 500 clients.
    • Prescient is technology neutral. We find the best technology for our clients based on their business requirements (we do not sell or re-sell any cookie-cutter or off-the-shelf solution).
    • Prescient has the most published team of experts of any firm in its class with hundreds of published articles and white papers to date.
    • We have won more than a dozen awards including a prestigious Webby Award.

For more information on the Intranet Plan, please contact us directly.

Additional material:

See our complete client list.

Read some of our case studies.

Read more about Prescient services.

Learn about the Prescient team.

Read Prescient articles and blogs.

Download the free white paper: Intranet Design: Process + Planning

Download the free white paper: Great Intranets: From Design To Social

For help with your intranet or digital workplace, contact us directly or call us at 416.926.8800.