Prescient HealthScore ©

How healthy is your website?

There are thousands of health related websites on the Internet. A Google search on the word ‘health’ presents 760 million page results.

How is your website standing out in that crowd. How effective is your site in addressing the needs of your clients? How well does your site align with your strategic objectives? How does your website rate compared to others? Compared to the best?

The Prescient HealthScore Competitive Assessment & Action Plan© is a detailed analysis of your website and the best practices of the leaders and the competition. The HealthScore analysis of your website and your closest competitors includes…

  • Evaluation and ratings – design, layout, content, tools, etc.

  • Audience satisfaction and expectations

  • Benchmark case studies and scoring of other leading healthcare websites

  • Action plan for improving site content, information architecture and usability

This Assessment & Action Plan will benefit your organization for:

  • Building a business case for planning a website redesign, new services or offerings;

  • Providing your organization’s leadership with measured evidence of your team and site’s success;

  • Benchmarking your site against competitors to understand how and where your site should improve; and

  • Preparing for a site redesign and understanding how and where to focus your budget and resources.

HealthScore provides in-depth and actionable intelligence on how to maximize the value of your healthcare website or portal.

HealthScore measures the value of your portal from the user’s perspective and includes the delivery of an online survey for directly measuring the expectations and preferences of individual users.

HealthScore Methodology

Evaluation Criteria

Each target health website (a minimum of three to four per benchmarking) will be evaluated according to the following eight criteria:

  • Usability (ease-of-use)
  • Customer Confidence
  • Tools & Innovation
  • Customer Relationship
  • Content Quality
  • Layout
  • Design
  • Overall Rating

Task Oriented Interaction

The evaluation will also consist of a thorough dissection and scoring of specific tasks and content categories which could include, for example:

  • Performing a search engine query for diabetes

  • Using an ideal weight calculator

  • Researching breast cancer

  • Finding information on the side effects of Altace


Each category will be ranked on a score of 1-10, as well as given an overall ranking. Summaries of each category will be listed for each site.

Detailed reports will be sent to each client with an in-depth examination of their site, summary reviews, and scores of the benchmark comparison sites.


Upon completing a Competitive Assessment & Action Plan, Prescient analysts provide you with a complete report on your website’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities for improvement and barriers to success. The Action Plan will also detail specific recommendations and actions for making your website more effective and competitive while increasing traffic and user satisfaction.

Deliverables include

  • An in-person or teleconference presentation to present the Action Plan and Assessment findings.

  • A PowerPoint presentation (60 – 80 slides) detailing the complete findings and illustrating competitor best practices, including category analysis and strategic recommendations for site improvements.

  • A detailed scoring matrix providing category and subcategory scores and ratings of your website and the complete set of competitor sites.


HealthScore is conducted every six months.

For more information

For more information on Prescient eHealth’s HealthScore Competitive Assessment & Action Plan please contact Toby Ward at 416.986.2226 or contact us.

About Prescient eHealth

Prescient eHealth is a collection of Internet health consultants with health information and technology expertise who are delivering leading Internet solutions for health organizations of all sizes – government, not-for-profit, and the private sector.

Our clients including the Ontario Ministry of Health, Blue Cross Blue Shield (MN), Heart & Stroke Foundation, Manulife Financial, Ontario Public Health and others. Prescient has won 14 awards including the 2004 Webby Award for