Full house learns to fix a broken intranet

Broken Intranet Presentation

Prescient’s boardroom was full for both sessions of the “How to fix a broken intranet” seminar on October 11


, and the attendees clearly saw high value in the event, providing an average rating of 7.8 out of 10.

Julian Mills of Prescient started the seminar by suggesting how to determine when an intranet is broken, and then outlining a plan for fixing it. He suggested an important flag is e-mail usage: if that is the most common means by which employees exchange information and manage projects, then the intranet is clearly not functioning effectively.

Seth Gottleib of Optaros, then demonstrated how open source solutions can fix key elements of an intranet, including improving content management with Plone and Alfresco, and how blogs can be deployed with Roller and Drupal. He also showed how Trac, bug tracking software, is now being used for project management.

Attendees felt the information was excellent and well organized with all of them indicating they would attend another event by Prescient and Optaros.