Intranet 2.0 on a budget (with case study from Océ)

The intranet is always evolving. So for industry professionals, knowing what’s around the corner is both critical and difficult. Looking to the past as an indication of where the intranet is headed is a common defence against the challenges of a changing industry, but it can only take you so far. Based on Prescient’s experience, which includes daily interactions with clients and their intranets, and the recent 2010 Intranet 2.0 Global Study, we’re seeing the emergence of a new type of intranet—the “social intranet”.

  • Online webinar, 12 p.m to 1 p.m. EDT (plus Q&A)

Social intranets have two, three or more accessible social media tools (e.g. blogs, wikis) and wide participation from most or all employees with intranet access. The end result is increased employee engagement, higher adoption rates, and better ROI for your organization’s technology.

More importantly, social intranets affect your company’s bottom line.

Océ is a Netherlands-based, multi-billion dollar printing company that realized the financial benefits of a social intranet. Amidst the 2008 recession, Océ faced a severe decline in sales (resulting in a €500 million loss in revenue) and a growing number of layoffs. Subsequently, the intranet budget declined from 350,000 Euros to only 5,000.

Océ was faced with a difficult challenge: How to communicate with employees throughout the 100 countries in which it is active despite a changing workforce and tight budget?

Rather than build a new intranet, Océ’s intranet team implemented free, open source solutions and an enhanced corporate news service on the existing home page—all on a shoestring budget.

In this webinar, Toby Ward, CEO of Prescient Digital Media, will introduce social intranets, elaborate on their prevalence and importance, and then situate social intranets within the changing landscape of the industry. Océ’s Ria Breuer, Global Intranet Manager, and Jan van Veen, Manager Internal Communications, will walk you through the redevelopment of their intranet, a look at their intranet today, and recommendations for cost-saving tips.

Why you should attend:

  • Social intranets are new and affect the productivity and collaboration of your employees
  • Social intranets can save your organization money, offering cost-saving opportunities through the company-wide adoption of social media tools like blogs and wikis
  • See how Océ successfully rolled out social media tools, despite a significantly reduced budget
  • Learn what tools you can incorporate on your own intranet.

Who should attend:

This webinar has been developed for internal communications professionals, intranet managers and stakeholders, and the IT team with whom they collaborate.

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Toby Ward, CEO, Prescient Digital Media
The founder and CEO of Prescient Digital Media, Toby is a senior Internet and intranet consultant with particular expertise in the area of Internet and intranet planning and communications. A specialist in web and intranet planning and measurement, Toby has led his company to many awards in recent years including an illustrious Webby Award.

Ria Breuer, Global Intranet Manager, Océ
Having first been responsible for the content on the Océ company website and won two IR Global Rankings awards for Europe, Ria Breuer was asked to set up a global intranet to connect all employees worldwide. As global business process manager she is responsible for intranet functionality, planning, rollout, support and training of the local content management teams.

Jan van Veen, Manager Internal Communications, Océ
Jan van Veen is an internal communications professional with over 20 years of experience in a variety of businesses and sectors. In the past three years he dedicated a big portion of his time to the introduction of a variety of social media tools for internal communications at Océ, a Dutch multinational in the printing business.