Intranet 2.0 Global Study 2010 - Full Report

This is the full version of the Intranet 2.0 Global Study 2010 (42 pages). More than 500 organizations of all sizes from across the planet participated in the survey and the results reveal that Social Intranets are beginning to emerge in the corporate world. The survey was led by Toby Ward, president, Prescient Digital Media, and conducted online from January to May 2010. Participants of the survey have been sent the full version of the report for free.

Non-participating individuals and organizations wanting a free, summarized version of the 42 page report may download the summary report.

You'll learn:

  • What intranet 2.0 tools have become more popular, less popular, and what's stayed the same.

  • Why satisfaction rates with Intranet 2.0 tools amongst employees and executives have risen.

  • What functionality, tools and technology other intranets have to offer.

  • The amount of funding and resources other organizations are contributing to their intranet.


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