Good to Great Intranet Matrix

What is the difference between a good intranet and a great intranet?

A properly planned and executed intranet can enhance enterprise communications and collaboration, increase employee satisfaction, capture operational efficiencies and deliver significant return on investment. However, the success of any intranet is dependent on a large number of factors and creating an intranet that delivers what your business needs may not be as easy as it seems.

The Good to Great Intranet Matrix is based on Prescient’s experience with the planning, launching and management of intranets, and its unique intranet evaluation methodology that includes over 350 variables.  The matrix identifies and explores the key ingredients in the creation of a winning intranet, including design, usability, information architecture, and executive support, just to name a few.

Comments about the Good to Great Intranet Matrix:

"Just wanted to say how much I appeciate the clarity and simplicity of the Good to Great matrix.  There is so much guff and fluff about Intranets and the matrix wipes clean the slate and lays it out straight.  Excellent work!"

Mike Jones, Director, Katison Pty Limited

Download the Good to Great Intranet Matrix

For help with making your intranet great, contact us directly or call us at 416.926.880