Intranet Blog 2007

Written by Toby Ward, President and CEO of Prescient Digital Media. Get the latest on Intranet musings, best practices, case studies and evolution.

December 2007

Intranet governanceThe ROI of the Facebook intranetToo many executives are screwing your employeesBlogging policy examples

November 2007

What the Google Intranet Looks LikeInformation architecture for the intranetSpeaking of Facebook as an underground intranet…1 in 3 find intranet “not useful”Intranet case study: Canon Australia“Little financial value in Web 2.0”"Serena Software Adopts Facebook as Corporate Intranet

October 2007

Oracle's bid for BEA means fewer portal solutions — October 16U.S. provides safety for al-Qaeda intranet — October showcases content best practice Intranet change management Intranet bloging case study: Northwestern Mutual Intranet portal case study: Vanguard Group Intranet Intranet design is not about design, stupid Intranet wiki case study: Janssen-Cilag

September 2007

Facebook used as an ‘underground’ intranetWho wants a job as an intranet consultant?The Facebook Revolution

Avoiding dangerous intranet consultants

August 2007

Intranet case study: McDonald’s Intranet — August 16The double-edge sword of blogging (and freedom of speech) — August 9Flog you — August 7Intranet Podcast: Portals & Enterprise 2.0 — August 4

July 2007

The Internet is Dead, Long Live the Intranet — July 31Equality amongst intranet search engines — July 26Targeted attack yields intranet and website passwords, says report — July 2510 things to ask your intranet consultant — July 24Alternatives to intranet personalization — July 20Is the personalized intranet portal dying? — July 18How intranet discussion groups die — July 13Enterprise 2.0 vs. Intranet 2.0 — July 10Sales intranets deliver money — July 3

June 2007

Intranet case study: SimCorp — June 28

Global Intranet and Portal Strategies Survey — June 22

Intranet 2.0 — June 20

The baking versus frying CMS — June 13

The most important emerging technologies — June 11
Founder Meeting: IBF North America — June 6

Pros and cons for enterprise intranet portals — June 3

May 2007

Intranet community at — May 24

The critical importance of SOA — May 21

Intranets do not replace face-to-face communications — May 14

Hasta la Vista, Windows — May 7

Hell with Windows Vista — May 3

April 2007

If you build it, they will not come... and the revolution — April 30

5 tips for increasing intranet traffic — April 27

Intranet Case Study: Ericsson Group — April 23

Intranet usage: what is considered ‘good’ traffic? — April 20

The big 3 ingredients of a winning intranet — April 18

Companies slow to adopt advanced portal technology — April 12

Intranet portal case study: Nordea — April 10

To Plone or not to Plone — April 9

More pay for intranet managers — April 4

If we write do we not blog? — April 3Owning Knowledge Management — April 2

March 2007

Bad intranets (podcast) — March 30(Ir)responsible content — March 27Intranet Innovation Awards — March 262007 Global Intranets Survey — March 22The state of the intranet (podcast) — March 21Should you blog the intranet? — March 20Sharepoint to be the new Windows? — March 19The Intranet Report Podcast for March 15, 2007 — March 15Low-tech, high-value intranet — March 14Photo sharing and crime solving — March 13Intranet Report Podcast from Denmark — March 9Best Buy secret intranet does evil — March 7Nokia protest heats-up despite best communications efforts — March 2Intranet Report podcast — March 1

February 2007

6x2 methodology for intranets — February 27

How to talk to IT — February 26

Enterprise instant messaging — February  22

Intranet case study: Lowe & Partners — February 21Selling a new intranet (Feb. 27, 2007)  — February 20Hiring an intranet consultant or manager  — February 19Converting paper forms to intranet forms  — February 15Poor intranet policy management could lead to lawsuits — February 136 timely intranet resolutions  — February 13Nokia's bad business is good communications — February 95% of a site delivers 25% of the value — February 8Intranet is key to good HR  — February 7Social media: are you in? — February 5


January 2007

Sales intranets needed  — January 31

Police intranets — January 31

How to hire an intranet manager  — January 30

Upcoming web and intranet events  — January 28

Intranet case study: HP  — Janaury 25

Malfunctioning intranet triggers tsunami warning — January 22

Intranet design is important, but not that important  — January 19

Intranet predictions for 2007 — January 18

Intranet as a shopping mall (for ROI)  — January 17

Why you should or shouldn’t choose Microsoft Sharepoint  — January 16

10 Best Intranets of 2007 — January 15

Goodwill goes open source for intranet  — January 12Good to great intranet — January 11The end of internal communications — January 10Portal personalization: who’s doing it? — January 9Employee satisfaction doesn’t matter, study says — January 8

Too much useless information — January 5

Definition of an intranet — January 1