Intranet Blog 2008

Written by Toby Ward, President and CEO of Prescient Digital Media. Get the latest information on Intranet best practices, case studies and innovation.

Intranet Blog

October 2008

The problem with intranets - October 15SAS focuses on employees, promotes change - October 15Competitor intranet wiki case study (Scottrade) - October 13Intranet 2.0 survey - October 9Intranet is overwhelmingly the most effective training tool - October 7Intranet 2.0 - The Future of Intranets (A sneak peak) - October 3

September 2008

North Americans demand social media - September 28Employee engagement and the intranet - September 26Buying or moving to a new CMS? Be very careful… - September 25Intranet case study: Universal McCann (UM) - September 19The future of intranets - September 12Web 2.0 is content that matters - September 9Understanding the new breed of intranet managers - September 3

August 2008

SharePoint: Square pegs in round holes - August 29Intranet 2.0 sits on the back burner - August 27Employee social networking (case study) - August 26Web 2.0 not a priority for CIOs - August 19CMS or ECM - What is the difference? - August 18

July 2008

Banning Facebook - July 29Star Wars creator praises Scotland’s schools intranet - July 15Social software that power Intranet 2.0 — July 15IBM Fringe: Employee social networking with a purpose — July 9The power of Intranet 2.0 — July 8Behind Beehive’s social success @ IBM — July 7

June 2008

Intranet in the mind’s eye — June 27
The most beautiful intranet & jumpwords — June 26
Content is still king — June 25
Advice for SharePoint customers — June 16
Beehive builds buzz at IBM — June 12
World’s best intranet: IBM (webinar) — June 10
The rise and fall of email — June 5The intranet becomes a leading competitive advantage — June 3

May 2008

Intranet 2.0: A must-have — May 29

Another portal bites the dust — May 26

Taxonomy driven folksonomy — May 22

Analyzing Enterprise 2.0 software — May 20

ePoint requires proper architecture & governance — May 19

The pros and cons of SharePoint — May 19

Enterprise implications for Nintendo’s Wii Fit — May 19

Serena’s Facebook intranet — May 18

Digg sucks — May 8

Microsoft wants Facebook... and its intranet power — May 8

April 2008

Enterprise intranet wikis — April 30

First intranet for international defence sector — April 29

Intranet portal solutions die, evolve & move to Web 2.0 — April 28

Talent Management seen as key Issue by HR professionals — April 17

Could Facebook be a real intranet? IBM is onto something... — April 15

One Laptop Per Child abuses donors — April 10

Intranet information architectures — April 4

Fixing a broken intranet — April 4

The intranet becomes “enormously successful” — April 1

March 2008

Intranet project methodology — March 31

Intranet Planning: An Intranet Model for Success — March 31

Intranet trends (video) — March 29

Nexus of Intranet Success — March 27

Blogging to employees – on the Internet — March 24

Building an innovative intranet — March 18

Embracing Enterprise 2.0 — March 13

Reinventing intranet information architecture — March 10

February 2008

Intranet case study: British Telecom (BT) — February 29

Companies are taking the intranet more seriously? — February 26

CMS report offers open source — February 21

Intranet hackers want to hijack your printer — February 15

Free Sharepoint & more Web 2.0 mediocrity — February 13

Intranet 2.0 on the rise, but barely — February 11

Upcoming intranet events — February 6

January 2008

Oracle buys BEA; big changes to intranet portal market — January 16

Microsoft guns for enterprise intranet search — January 9

Enterprise intranet predictions for 2008 — January 7